Replacing Your Missing Teeth With Implants

Here are some reasons why you should consider getting dental implants.

Missing at least one permanent tooth? If so, then you could be an ideal candidate for dental implants. While our Lakeview, Chicago dentist Dr. Scott Emalfarb offers many ways to replace missing teeth many adults turn to dental implants because they are long-lasting and act like real teeth. Here’s what you should understand about getting dental implants,

Implants are Long Lasting

Once you get a dental implant this tooth can potentially last for life. You won’t need to replace the implant every few years like other tooth replacement options (even though you will need to come in every six months to make sure that your dental crown is holding up). As long as you maintain good oral hygiene it is possible for a dental implant to last the rest of your lifetime.

You Can Replace One, Two or All of Your Teeth 

No matter how many teeth you are missing, you can often replace all of them with dental implants. While a single implant is designed to replace a single tooth, 4-6 implants can also be placed along the arches of the jawbone to hold a dental bridge or complete dentures in place. If you are a current denture wearer who is looking for a way to keep your teeth firmly in place when chewing and speaking, talk with our Lakeview, Chicago family dentist about dental implants.

Enjoy Eating Again 

Do you live to eat? If so, losing teeth can certainly make the enjoyment of eating a major challenge. If you are missing several of your teeth then chances are good that there are certain foods that you once loved that you now avoid altogether. Not being able to properly chew your food can also lead to stomach problems. Therefore, by restoring your smile with dental implants you can aid in better digestion and finally enjoy all the foods you love with confidence.

Boost Your Self Esteem 

It’s amazing how much a healthy smile can make you feel great about yourself. After all, it is one of the features that we notice first when meeting someone. Whether you want to snag that dream job, ask for a promotion, or finally ask out your crush, having a full smile that helps you feel confident again will certainly go a long way to improving your personal and professional life.

If you are interested in getting dental implants here in Lakeview, Chicago then the next step is to call Lake View Dental Associates at (773) 472-6322 to schedule a consultation. You can have a beautiful smile after tooth loss, and Dr. Emalfarb and his team make it possible.

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